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Das Finale am 13.09. findet wegen Schlechtwetter in der STUWO Studentcity Graz Tiefgarage, Eggenbergergürtel 71, statt!


The final on 13th september will take place in the STUWO Studentcity Graz underground parking garage (Eggenbergergürtel 71) due to bad weather!

Urban Art Festival Styria

05.-14. Sept 2024

Future Icons
Association for young & innovative art & culture
STUWO StudentCity Graz
Eggenberger Gürtel Nr 71. 8020 Graz
Dave & the Coverdudes
Music Lab Styria
Natural sound versus synthetic sound
Sladoled Lovekomet
Music Performance
David Leitner
Street Art
Street Art
Crazy students without a teacher
Daan Botlek
Street Art
Katell Gélébart
Ecodesigner and Modern Nomad
Marvin Busta
Graffiti- and Filmmaker
Philipp Friesenbichler
Street Art
Jacoba Niepoort
Street Art
Juan Carlos Sungurlian
Yuri Landman
Katell Gélébart
Ecodesigner and Modern Nomad
Daan Botlek
Street Art
Street Art


05-14 SEPTEMBER 2024, Graz

International festival for street art, graffiti, music, media art, upcycling, design and crossover

Lots of color, cool beats, interactions, media art, design and upcycling are promised  by this year's "Urban Art Festival Styria", which will take place from 5 to 14 Sept in the city of Graz and in various regions in Styria.

The 7-storey STUWO building, StudentCity Graz, is a festival center and art workshop in one. Urban underground art to participate in and try out.

Throughout the festival, international stars of the art scene and young up-and-coming artists will work together on new innovative projects and then realize them in public. The STUWO building itself will also be transformed into an “inhabitable work of art” with exhibitions and installations.

International stars of the art scene such as Daan Botlek (NL), David Leitner (AT), KJ263 (DE), Jacoba Niepoort (DK) as well as young artists and artists from various European countries will work together on new innovative projects and present them to the public. The STUWO building itself will also once again become a "habitable work of art".

In addition, new locations will be used again this year. Events will take place at Citypeach, Stadtbalkon, Umspannwerk Keplerbrücke and Stadtstrand Graz.

Special highlights of the festival are the art projects with the international designer Katell Gelebart from France. She uses everything “that is there”.
Beverage cartons, pasta packaging, plastic bottles, old clothes and postbags - Katell Gélébart uses unusual materials and ideas and the principle of recycling to create clothing, accessories and furniture. She works in many countries around the world and wants to show that things that are seemingly no longer needed are valuable raw materials.

The music program is also particularly innovative.  The festival focuses on in-house productions and new interpretations. Like in a music laboratory, music is composed, produced and premiered.A wide range of musical styles is on offer, from Styrian dialect pop with SladoledLoveKomet, crossover with Dave & the Coverdudes, Balkan music with Juan Carlos Sungurlian and Ukrainian Avant Garde through to Armenian music by Erasmus+ participants provide a cool groove.

Norbert Lipp, Idea concept and Artistic Director
Christa Lorenz, Executive Director


05.-14. SEPTEMBER 2024, Graz

Internationales Festival für Street Art, Graffiti, Musik, Medienkunst, Upcyling, Design und Crossover

Viel Farbe, coole Beats, Interaktionen, Medienkunst, Design und Upcycling verspricht das diesjährige „Urban Art Festival Styria“, welches vom 5. bis 14. Sept in der Stadt Graz und in verschiedenen Regionen in der Steiermark über die Bühne geht.

Das 7stöckige Gebäude der STUWO, StudentCity Graz, ist Festivalzentrum und Kunstwerkstatt in einem. Urbane Untergrundkunst zum Mitmachen und Ausprobieren.

So werden u.a. Plätze, Wände und Objekte in Form von Street Art in Farbe getaucht, Recycling-Material wird zu Fashion und Kunstwerken verarbeitet, und junge neue Musikströmungen aus vielen Teilen Europas werden öffentliche Plätze zum Klingen bringen.

Internationale Größen der Kunstszene wie Daan Botlek (NL), David Leitner (AT), KJ263 (DE), Jacoba Niepoort (DK) sowie junge KünstlerInnen und Künstler aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas werden gemeinsam neue innovative Projekte erarbeiten und öffentlich präsentieren. Auch das Gebäude der STUWO selbst wird wieder zu einem „Bewohnbaren Kunstwerk“.

Zusätzlich werden auch heuer wieder neue Locations bespielt. So finden u.a. Veranstaltungen am Citypeach, Stadtbalkon, Umspannwerk Keplerbrücke und am Stadtstrand Graz statt.

Ein besonderes Highlight des Festivals sind die Kunstprojekte mit der internationalen Designerin Katell Gelebart aus Frankreich. Sie verwendet alles „Was da ist“. Getränkekartons, Nudelverpackungen Plastikflaschen, alte Kleider und Postsäcke - mit ungewöhnlichen Materialien und Ideen und dem Prinzip der Wiederverwertung schafft Katell Gélébart Kleidung, Accessoires und Möbel. Sie arbeitet in vielen Ländern der Welt und will zeigen, dass Dinge, die scheinbar nicht mehr gebraucht werden, wertvolle Rohmaterialien sind.

Besonders innovativ gestaltet sich auch das Musikprogramm.  Im Blickpunkt des Festivals stehen Eigenproduktionen sowie Neuinterpretationen. Analog zu einer Musikfabrik wird komponiert, produziert und uraufgeführt. Eine große Bandbreite an Musikrichtungen, angefangen von steirischem Dialekt-Pop mit SladoledLoveKomet, Crossover mit Dave & the Coverdudes, über Balkanmusik mit Juan Carlos Sungurlian und Ukrainischer Avant Garde bis hin zu armenischer Musik von Erasmus+ Teilnehmern sorgen für einen coolen Groove.

Norbert Lipp, Idea concept and Artistic Director
Christa Lorenz, Executive Director


Das Finale findet wegen Schlechtwetter in der STUWO Studentcity Graz Tiefgarage, Eggenbergergürtel 71, statt!

Review UAFS 2023

Shortlinks UAFS 2024


* Rainy weather: STUWO underground car park

Out of Graz

Siniwelt Bade und Freizeitpark, Sinabelkirchen 280, 8261 Sinabelkirchen
Markt Hartmannsdorf
Mittelschule Markt Hartmannsdorf, Feldbacherstraße 166, 8311 Markt Hartmannsdorf
Nestelbach bei Ilz
Maier Estriche GmbH, Nestelbach 149, 8262 Nestelbach im Ilztal

Future Icons

Association for young and innovative Art and Culture, Graz - Styria

Future Icons is an internationally active art and cultural association based in Graz, Styria, and is a venue for the production and presentation of contemporary art forms in the fields of visual art, urban art, music and media art. Future Icons is a think tank and workshop for new forms of performance in the field of contemporary art forms, presenting art interactively and with media impact to the public. Future Icons is the organiser of the "Urban Art Festival Styria", runs an "Artists in Residence Programme" in Graz and annually invites internationally renowned artists in the fields of contemporary visual arts, urban art, music, media art as well as science and technology to work on current socio-political issues from the perspective of the artists. The festival has now developed into a platform and hub for young and innovative art and culture in the fields of graffiti, street art, music and contemporary visual arts.

Student Housing

STUWO Student Housing is a non-profit student dormitory provider. We offer 20 student dormitories in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Innsbruck, Villach, Krems and Lambach. 13 of them are located in Vienna. From modern design apartments to cosy student rooms and shared apartments, equiped with everything you need in a new home.

Everything is included in our all-in rental: heating, hot water, electricity, unlimited high speed WiFi, TV connection and regular room cleaning. Of course you can use many other leisure activities such as our gyms and wellness rooms, saunas, party and music rehearsal rooms, as well as our beloved roof terraces or gardens free of charge. Monthly rates start at EUR 396,- (place in a couple apartment in Vienna) or EUR 582,- (single apartment in Graz) per month. You can find information about all our STUWO student dormintories directly at our website. If you have any questions or would like to apply right away, we look forward to your message to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.